American School of The Hague

  • We build a better world as we become better human beings, hear and value every voice, keep every promise, and celebrate every achievement.
  • Wassenaar

Over American School of The Hague

We are a private, not-for-profit institution that, at every level of organization, focuses on enhancing the student learning experience. At ASH, everyone’s voice matters, everyone is seen and everyone is valued. Take a moment to visit our school’s website and read our Educator Profile, Hiring Philosophy Compensation and Benefits and Diversity Statement. If you believe in our values and are looking for an international school to support and challenge you, please view our vacancies.

Extra info

Croco Club (American School of The Hague)We offer after-school childcare for students ages 3 - 14 who are enrolled at ASH. Our service is available every day after school dismissal time until 6.30pm, and on days that ASH has noon-dismissal or is fully closed (except for national Holidays). Our center is located across the main campus and features beautiful light rooms and wide open fields to play outside. Children from the Early Childhood Center travel to us by bus and our staff collect ASH students from our main campus. We have a dedicated team of childcare professionals that work hard to extend the #ASHexperience after school hours. We follow and support the development of social and other skills of our children and stay in touch with parents in a number of ways. We offer activities ranging from arts and crafts to playing sports outside and also offer the option for students to do their homework with us.

Vacatures bij American School of The Hague

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